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May 11, 2010



I have to say that I think that the original farmers should be the ones at the farmers' markets. Its so hard here in Michigan to make rules that exclude others from making money because our economy is so bad but I think that consumers would agree that the farmers should be at the market.

Luis Vazquez

Actually, I am not a farmer, as cited in your post. I was the Chair of the City of Ann Arbor Market Commission, and fought for years to have rules strengthened so that re-sellers would not be able to undercut the true farmers and vendors at our market. After my term on the commission, a certain local blog uncovered exactly where the "faked goods" vendor was getting some of his frozen pies, and posted the evidence: and then the local media caught on. The website posted a video:

So far, nobody has been able to dispute my claims about Kapnick Orchards baked goods, and I think you are raising awareness of the issue in a very good way. Please keep up the pressure so that we can all keep people accountable and know for certain where our food comes from.

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